And in the morning, a great while before day, he rose and went out to a lonely place, and there he prayed. (Mark 1:35)
As Jesus went alone to the mountain to pray, we know that prayer is a very important spiritual practice that allows us to quiet ourselves and listen to God in these sacred moments. Deep prayer and spiritual contemplation change us and help us to know the heart of God better.
We invite you to come regularly and rest here finding a place of beauty, refreshment, solace, and quiet moments in the art, poetry, writings and music selections.
May you encounter God daily in Sacred Moments -- both ordinary and extraordinary.
Jesus is the Light of the World
Epiphany, the twelfth day of Christmas, tends to be an overlooked holiday in most of the United States. In many parts of the world, it is a huge celebration—going from house to house looking for the baby Jesus. It is also the day to give gifts, commemorating the gifts the wise men from afar brought to the newborn king whose star they had seen rise in the eastern sky.
During the season of Epiphany the church celebrates that God’s saving grace in Jesus Christ is intended for all people. The predominant symbol in this season is LIGHT, recalling the star the sages followed and proclaiming Jesus as the light of the world. Through beautiful imagery, scriptures, songs, and liturgy, we embrace the beauty of darkness and light, flame and shadow, night sky and shining stars. As well, we lay claim to our calling to carry the light of Christ into the world.
It is not ourselves that we proclaim;
we proclaim Christ Jesus as Lord,
and ourselves as your servants, for Jesus’ sake.
For the same God who said,
“Out of darkness let light shine,”
has caused his light to shine within us,
to give the light of revelation —
the revelation of the glory of God
in the face of Jesus Christ.
2 Corinthians 4:5-6
God Shining Through the Thin Spaces
In Celtic Christianity the winter equinox, or Longest Night, is seen as an especially thin place. Particular places are experienced as “thin” when we notice the living God shining through ordinary people, spaces, and events. It might be on a hike up a mountain, on a pilgrimage to a holy site, or standing in front of the kitchen sink.
After the hurriedness of Advent and “X number of shopping days until Christmas,” the days following Christmas can be a more relaxed, holy time. If we pay attention, we may be able to find a quiet time or place to reflect and contemplate on the miracle of the Incarnation, the God of the universe being coming to us, in the person of Jesus, a baby wrapped in his parents’ arms.
Light Shines in the Darkness
As we enter the season of Epiphany, the days have begun slowly lengthening, the light staying with us longer each day. I wonder how we might seek out spaces, times, people, or practices that lead us to find ourselves in the presence of the living Christ, the light shining in the darkness.
A Prayer for Epiphany
Holy God of the far-flung stars, bring us to thin places where we might know in our hearts the joy of your presence and the magnitude of your love. Help us stand in awe of your glory in the singing of the angels and the crying of a baby. Help us believe the message of the shepherds and the sages. Give us faith. Let our prayers take form in the world as helping hands, loving words, and healing acts. Give us courage to seek out and walk in love with the least and the lost, the marginalized and overlooked, the lonely and forsaken. Open our eyes to new ways of seeing and new ways of being.
You are the Light of the World
You are the Light of the World O Lord
You make Your servants shine
So how could there be any darkness in me
If You are the Light of the World
You are the Light of the World
You are the Bread of Life O Lord
Broken to set us free
So how could there be any hunger in me
If You are the Bread of Life
You are the Bread of Life
You've overcome the world O Lord
And given us victory
So how could I fear when trouble is near
If You've overcome the world
You've overcome the world
Wipe every tear away O Lord
And teach us the song of the Lamb
The promise is true but it's still up to You
To wipe every tear away
Wipe every tear away
Wipe every tear away
-- Michael Card
To listen to the full songs, you must play the Spotify playlist on your own account by selecting the 3 dots at the right-hand corner of the playlist above, and the option will appear to play on your account.
Otherwise, you will only hear a "preview" of the songs in the playlist.
Center for Action and Contemplation (
CAC is an educational nonprofit introducing seekers to the contemplative Christian path of transformation.
6301 University Avenue, Windsor Heights, Iowa 50324, United States
Windsor Presbyterian Church
6301 University Avenue, Windsor Heights, Iowa 50324
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